This Powershell script is used as an example for deploying a NSX Security Framework as described in this blog.
Installing PowerNSX is a prerequisites, and before running this script connect to a greenfield NSX Environment, with the cmdlet: “connect-nsxserver”.
This script modifies the default rule to a deny rule, creating a zero trust environment. So don’t use this script in you brownfield environment (you are warned!)
#define variables $nssharedservicegroups = @{ "DNS Servers"="APP_DNS"; "DHCP servers"="APP_DHCP"; "Domain Controllers"=@("APP_LDAP","APP_KERBEROS","LDAP Global Catalog","Active Directory Server","Active Directory Server UDP"); "FTP servers"="APP_FTP"; "SNMP servers"="APP_SNMP"; "SMTP servers"="APP_SMTP"; } $nsjumphostgroups = @("Jumphosts") $nsisolationgroups = @("finance","HR","LoB","BCA","Drupal","Wordpress") $nssegmentationgroups = @("Tier-0","Tier-1","Tier-2") $nsfilteringgroup = @{ "Web service"=@("HTTP","HTTPS"); "MSSQL service"="MS-SQL-S"; "MySQL service"="MySQL"; "PostgreSQL service"="PostgreSQL"} $DFWrule =@() Function creatensobjects ($objects) { $NSXGroups = @() foreach ($object in $objects){ write-host "creating NSX Security Tag: $object" $NSXSecTag = New-NsxSecurityTag -Name $object write-host "creating NSX Security Group: $object" $NSXGroup = New-NsxSecurityGroup -Name $object -IncludeMember $NSXSecTag $NSXGroups += $NSXGroup } return $NSXGroups } #create NS-objects $nsxsharedservicegroups = @() $nssharedservicegroups.keys | % {$nsxsharedservicegroups += creatensobjects $_ } $nsxjumphostgroups = creatensobjects $nsjumphostgroups Add-NsxSecurityGroupMember -SecurityGroup $nsxjumphostgroups -Member (get-vm -name "jumphost") $nsxisolationgroups = creatensobjects $nsisolationgroups $nsxsegmentationgroups = creatensobjects $nssegmentationgroups $nsxfilteringgroups = @() $nsfilteringgroup.keys | % {$nsxfilteringgroups += creatensobjects $_ } write-host "create NSX Security Framework" #Creating Shared Service firewall rules $dfwsection = New-NsxFirewallSection -Name "NSX DFW Firewall Rules - Shared Services" foreach ($key in $nssharedservicegroups.keys) { $NSXServices = @() ; $nssharedservicegroups[$key] | % {$NSXServices += Get-NsxService -Name $_ -LocalOnly} $DFWrule += New-NsxFirewallRule -Name $key -Section (Get-NsxFirewallSection -objectId $ -Destination (Get-NsxSecurityGroup $key) -Service $NSXServices -Action allow -Position Bottom } #Creating Jump Host firewall rules $dfwsection = New-NsxFirewallSection -Name "NSX DFW Firewall Rules - Jump Hosts" -position after -anchorId $ foreach ($nsxjumphostgroup in $nsxjumphostgroups) { $DFWrule += New-NsxFirewallRule -Name $ -Section (Get-NsxFirewallSection -objectId $ -Destination $nsxjumphostgroup -Service ("APP_RDP" | % {Get-NsxService -name $_ -LocalOnly}) -Action allow -Position Bottom $DFWrule += New-NsxFirewallRule -Name $ -Section (Get-NsxFirewallSection -objectId $ -Source $nsxjumphostgroup -Action allow -Position Bottom} #Creating Isolation firewall rules $dfwsection = New-NsxFirewallSection -Name "NSX DFW Firewall Rules - Isolation" -position after -anchorId $ foreach ($nsxisolationgroup in $nsxisolationgroups) {$DFWrule += New-NsxFirewallRule -Name $ -Section (Get-NsxFirewallSection -objectId $ -Source $nsxisolationgroup -Destination $nsxisolationgroup -NegateDestination -Action deny -Position Bottom} #Creating Segmentation firewall rules $dfwsection = New-NsxFirewallSection -Name "NSX DFW Firewall Rules - Segmentation " -position after -anchorId $ $source = Get-NsxSecurityGroup -name "campus" foreach ($nsxsegmentationgroup in $nsxsegmentationgroups) { $DFWrule += New-NsxFirewallRule -Name $ -Section (Get-NsxFirewallSection -objectId $ -Source $source -Destination $nsxsegmentationgroup -NegateDestination -Action deny -Position Bottom $source = $nsxsegmentationgroup} #Creating Filtering firewall rules $dfwsection = New-NsxFirewallSection -Name "NSX DFW Firewall Rules - Filtering " -position after -anchorId $ foreach ($key in $nsfilteringgroup.keys) { $NSXServices = @() ; $nsfilteringgroup[$key] | % {$NSXServices += Get-NsxService -Name $_ -LocalOnly} $DFWrule += New-NsxFirewallRule -Name $key -Section (Get-NsxFirewallSection -objectId $ -Destination (Get-NsxSecurityGroup $key) -Service $NSXServices -Action allow -Position Bottom} write-host "set zero trust policy" get-nsxfirewallrule -RuleId 1001 | Set-NsxFirewallRule -action Deny