Yesterday on the 27th of september in Fort Voordorp in Groenekan (Netherlands) ITQ held their Transform event. For those who could not attend this event, here is a little re-cap:
In the morning (before the Transform event really kicked of) ITQ held a unique VMware Cloud on AWS Master Class course: A 3 hour in-depth course were all aspects of VMConAWS were covered.
ITQ invited the involved vendors (AWS and VMware) to share there vision of the solution and give a really technical deep-dive of how the solutions really works and how customers could benefit from this solution.
The course was led by the following presenters:
- Jeffrey Kusters (ITQ), Field CTO
- Tonie Odeniyi (AWS), VMware Alliance Lead
- Tonny Roelofs (VMware), VMConAWS lead sales specialist
- Gilles Chekroun , VMConAWS lead specialist
The kick-off of Transform’19
Robbert Hellings kicked off the event with some awesome news about the new collaboration between ITQ an TeraSky, called SKY-TQ: TeraSky is a consultancy company with offices in Isreal and Lithuania, offering 24/7 support service on a global scale. This collaboration empowers each company by helping their customers offering more and better IT consultancy and IT services. Each company will be working on its own, but while working closely to offer better services.
Fransisco Perez (Owner of ITQ) and Michael Burstein (President of TeraSky) entered the stage and telled everyone how the collaboration started.
After this announcement Spencer Pitts (Chief Technology Office at VMware) entered the stage and kicked off with telling how technology is changing the world we are living in and how VMware is using that momentum to push forward, but the most important part: Its all about the people! Without people, there is no technology of innovation needed.
A personal note: I learned a new word: deperimeterization, a word which embraces were the world is going to from a security perspective.
I also have learned a new (and funny) quote: “VPN: “Virtually Pointless Now”: With the new security standards today, as a company you do not want to open you complete corporate network (through the use of VPN) to allow only access to a particular service for remote/external workers. Other solution are available today to achieve the same goal.
After the kickoff of Spencer, Wouter Sliedrecht (Pivotal) entered the stage. He told us about Application Transformation. As told by Spencer, Wouter also telled about how important the people-factor is for Application Transformation. People are habit-animals: when they have learned something in a particular way, it’s hard to unlearn those habbits. They only can change there habbits by influence them directly (or by emotion).
Both really cool topics and really embraces were the stand of technology is right now: Technologie is not in the gizmo-stage anymore, it is really helping us (people) achieving things in a smarter way, helping us creating a better world.
After these kick-offs three parallel tracks (each with 4 half-hour sessions) were available:
- “Modernize your apps”, with the following topics: cloud-native, kubernetes, PKS.
- “Empower your digital workspace”, with the following topics: Workspace One, VDI.
- “Accelerate your Cloud Journey”, with the following topics: VMware Cloud on AWS, VMware Cloud Foundation, Security in a modern datacenter (led by me).
And each track was accompanied with customer case references led by: Air France KLM, Gemeente Haarlem and ViaData.
The day was closed by Robert Doornbos (ex F1-driver), who give us a little insight in the world of Formula 1.
and off-course some nice foods and drinks to finish the day.
With around 180 attendees, with some really great names: it was really a blast!
Meeting new people, sharing knowledge (not hoarding it) and talking about (the adoption of) new technologies: That is were ITQ Transform 2019 stands for.
If you were not able to attend it this year, please look out for this event in 2020!